Welcome to the escape room pages for English!
What word do you find with the coördinates?
Do the puzzle.
What word can you find above the entrance in the picture?
Watch the video.
A lot happens, so watch carefully.
What kind of car drives through the bus?
I am a plant seen every Christmas which people hang up above. When underneath it, they kiss someone they love. What am I?
Which reindeer is missing from the list?
Listen to the song to find out.
Dasher, Rudolph, Dancer, Vixen, Donner, Blitzen, Cupid, Prancer.
Kijk het filmpje.
Hoe noemt Jack Skellington de kerstman?
Look on Santa's facebook page.
How many reindeer can you count in the picture (posted on 2 December)?
How many buttons does the gingerbread man have?
Click here to have a look.
According to this website, in what country does Santa live?
Finish the songtekst.
“Santa, tell me if he really ….”
Watch the video again.
Remember Kevin from Home alone? What colour sweater is he wearing in this video?